
Howdy neighbor, I’m just an old kontry guy and I guess you know who you are, so let’s get to the point, I’d like to introduce you to my newest blog site, “My Kontry”, located at Well, that’s the address, the real location is deep in the heart of Appalachia, and that my friend is located in the south-central section of the Appalachian Mountains in the eastern United States, and the Appalachian Mountains span a very large area, roughly 2,000 miles from Alabama to Canada, but only an area starting at the western Catskill Mountains of New York into Pennsylvania,  then down through the Blue Ridge Mountains and on through the Smoky Mountains into northern Georgia and Alabama are known as Appalachia, also locally called Hillbilly Heaven.

West Virginia is the only state located entirely within Appalachia.

My Kontry, was and is a real place there. It’s where I was born and grew up, And it’s still there today although somewhat different from the way I remember.
These stories I’m telling are true to the best of my memory. They tell about another time and of growing up poor, of good times and sad times but overall happy times.

Many years have gone by, and most of the people and places have changed, the yesteryears I remember and all the days before are now history. I hear people saying that young folks only look to the future because they have no past and that old folks live in the past because they have no future. Maybe that’s true, but I for one believe we should know where we came from, in order to know where we are going, the future is like tomorrow, it never comes, and of course, no one can live in the past, it has gone, leaving yesterday and today as only memories.

Time, you see, has no reverse, but it does have a rearview mirror, and with that in mind, I’d like to introduce you to MyKontry, a place in my memories.
I hope that you find some things of interest in these tales and will follow along as I journey back into my yesteryear. “After all it isn’t so much how we have lived life as the way we remember it.”
Please leave a comment, after all, it’s only you who can grade my progress.

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